Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2014 Lync Optimizer Updates

Since moving the Optimizer back-end to a SQL database and enabling Microsoft authentication, its allowed me to explore adding new features not previously possible.

Ruleset History

The first feature I'm releasing is a ruleset history option. Every ruleset run by users is stored in SQL, so it was relatively easy to enable a history feature, so users can call up past rulesets (it was harder to make it secure). This can come in especially handy when working with extensions, as it is currently rather time consuming to enter extension details.

When you log in now, you'll see a View History button beside the Input heading.

Clicking it will bring up your entire ruleset history since the introduction of authentication and the SQL backend (late October 2013).  Clicking on any row will load that particular ruleset into the Optimizer.

Selective Caller-ID Block

Sometimes, users want the ability to block their outgoing caller ID, but not all the time.  Lync has a feature where you can do this at the voice route level, but it takes a bit of work to make this work "on-demand".  The Optimizer can now accomplish this for you, simply by checking the Allow Call ID Block checkbox and entering the desired caller ID block code (ie *67 in the US/Canada), and the replacement caller ID to use.

The Optimizer will change the default normalization rules to allow the entry of the caller ID block code.  Normalized numbers using this code will look something like: *67+12123334444.  The Optimizer then creates a route for that pattern that selects the Suppress caller ID option.  A trunk translation rule strips the block code before sending to the next hop.

Other Things

I've also included numerous tweaks to improve the overall experience and to ensure consistency. I've also nearly completed the data move from XML to SQL which gives me more options for the future.

I've been working behind the scenes trying to make these work as seamlessly and easy as possible. If you find the Optimizer helpful and a timesaver, think of the Hoff and send him a donation (this guy here, not the real Hoff....he doesn't need any more money).

Any new feature requests, please drop me a line.


  1. Hi Ken,

    Looking for another regex lesson. I noticed the following (?:011)? on the international dialing rule and do not understand what it is doing? Can you please explain?

    Cheers JeffCSP

    1. The ?: means the digits in between the brackets will be ignored for regex replacement. The ? outside the bracket means the preceding is optional. For example, say I want to capture 12345 from a string 01112345 and use $1 to capture.
      ^(?:011)?(12345)$. Because I have the ?:, I can use $1 to capture 12345. Otherwise I'd have to use $2. Makes coding a pain.


  2. Hey Ken,

    As usual thanks for the great work on this system. Quick question - How is the move to SQL going to affect updates to already generated dialing rules? For example, if I am currently using dialing rules generated by the XML-based back end would I have to rip them out and replace them with the new ones or would applying the new ones on top of the old ones work just like it did before?


    1. Hey Max,
      If you generated your rules anytime after October 30th, 2013, you're already on the new system. For rulesets generated prior to that, I've just sent out an email to everyone notifying them of the change. If you got one, you'll need to regenerate the rules to get you into the system. Assuming the rule names are the same as your original deployment, you'll be able to apply future updates the same as you always have.


    2. Hey Ken,
      Thanks for the clarification. Even though the rules I use were generated before Oct 30 I haven't changed the name so we should be all good with the update.

      Thanks again for this great system.


    3. Hey Max,
      I think you misunderstood. For rulesets generated prior to October 30th, you have to regenerate the rules to get you into the new system so you can continue receiving updates. You don't have to apply the regenerated rules, until you get a new email notification.


  3. Just wanted to compliment you for a great session on best voice practise in Vegas.
    To put in in your own words. Awsome! :)

  4. Hi Ken, I was at your session and it was one of the best sessions I joined. Thanks.


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