Thursday, May 3, 2012

Holiday Sets for Lync Response Groups

If you use Lync Response Groups, you have probably noticed the lack of any built-in holiday definitions for any country. Setting these up yourself is a labour intensive and very boring process using Powershell. I figure I'd take the time to publish the commands necessary to setup the default holidays for both US and Canada.

First, copy and paste the holiday definitions into the Lync Management Shell as shown below.  If the dates and/or actual holidays are incorrect for your site, go ahead and change them.

2016 Holidays

Then run this Powershell command to create the holiday set. Replace YOURPOOLFQDNHERE with the actual name of the Standard or Enterprise Edition pool you want to create the holiday set. If your company has different holidays (ie Banks/government in Canada get Easter Monday off), add them to the holiday list (ie $EastMon)

For US
New-CsRgsHolidaySet -Parent "ApplicationServer:YOURPOOLFQDNHERE" -Name "2016 US Holidays" -HolidayList ($NewYear, $MLK, $Presidents, $GoodFri, $Memorial, $USDay, $Labour, $Columbus, $Veterans, $US_Thanks, $Christmas)

For Canada
New-CsRgsHolidaySet -Parent "ApplicationServer:YOURPOOLFQDNHERE" -Name "2016 CA Holidays" -HolidayList ($NewYear, $Fam, $GoodFri, $Victoria, $CADay, $Civic, $Labour, $CA_Thanks, $Christmas, $Boxing)

2017 Holidays

Then run this Powershell command to create the holiday set. Replace YOURPOOLFQDNHERE with the actual name of the Standard or Enterprise Edition pool you want to create the holiday set. If your company has different holidays (ie Banks/government in Canada get Easter Monday off), add them to the holiday list (ie $EastMon)

For US
New-CsRgsHolidaySet -Parent "ApplicationServer:YOURPOOLFQDNHERE" -Name "2017 US Holidays" -HolidayList ($NewYear, $MLK, $Presidents, $GoodFri, $Memorial, $USDay, $Labour, $Columbus, $Veterans, $US_Thanks, $Christmas)

For Canada
New-CsRgsHolidaySet -Parent "ApplicationServer:YOURPOOLFQDNHERE" -Name "2017 CA Holidays" -HolidayList ($NewYear, $Fam, $GoodFri, $Victoria, $CADay, $Civic, $Labour, $CA_Thanks, $Christmas, $Boxing)



  1. Where did your CA 2013 one go?

    1. Sorry, I removed them because I figured people wouldn't need 2013 holidays anymore, but I didn't think about those who are deploying Lync NOW. I've reinstated the 2013 holiday stuff, thanks to the Wayback Machine.


    2. Awesome! Thank you.

  2. Thank you! Saved me a ton of time

  3. Is it possible to set the time of day the holiday starts? For example on Christmas Eve the offices are open until Noon hour and closed until the 27th.

    1. The holiday sets don't get down to the hour granularity level. Its pretty much midnight to midnight for every day you define.


  4. Hi Ken,
    Thanks for the excellent post, quick feedback on holiday set for 2014. I believe the date for memorial day 2014 should be 05/26/2014 - 05/27/2014.

    Thanks again for the great work!


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